Wednesday 23 February 2011

changing the narrative 17.2.11

After looking back at the brief it clearly states that the zine must have a strong opinion and voice whhich in this case is me. At the moment i feel i have got too deep into the human aesthetics and characteristics and in effect have created a zine which dosent have much point to it and a moral.

Therefore i have took some more snaps of the birds this time looking more into the aggression and brutality when they are fed by us the public. I noticed that each type of bird have a group and all have their own way of getting to the bread.

This would be good as i can show the community of bird feeding in both points of view one from people who bird feed them and then whose who actually study the movements of the ducks, swans, geese etc.

 Throwing bits of bread into the Brayford i witnessed the fighting and distress which the swans put them selfs through just to get to the food.

the images i took are quick and not in focus this is due to the constant movement i the water, however here is a snap of a flock of swans rapidly moving towards a bird feeder.

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