Sunday 30 January 2011

Finding a community.

Here was my starting point when i first got my Community Brief, realising i needed a topic which was close to where i am based in Lincoln i decided that the indoor "Central Market" would be an excellent place to interact with and get talking to people who work their on the stalls.

I begun by taking a series of photos of the market in general to attempt to get an overall feel of the place before i started my interviews. it also gave me an insight in what it would be like to work in such a cramped, manic environment. 

Above shows how some of the stalls are on a low budget
and therefore have to create their own signage by hand in this case simply cutting shapes from card and making a cheap collage.

Community Project 30.1.11

Throughout this online diary i shall keep a track of my research and development work for the zine i am creating. This will help me track my progress and hopefully show a smooth running of how i have answered the brief.